The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the "About This Game" Section on Steam

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the 'About This Game' Section on Steam

In the bustling marketplace of Steam, standing out is both an art and a science. The “About This Game” section isn't just an introduction; it's the handshake that could lead to a lasting relationship with a potential gamer. Let's unlock the secrets to perfecting this crucial section.

1. The Opening Salvo: The Hook

Every story starts with a single sentence that determines if the reader will continue. For your game, this is the hook. The essence, drama, and allure of your game should be encapsulated in this brief yet potent statement.

Example: "Step into a realm where shadows weave the past, present, and a future yet to be deciphered."

2. Unveiling the Gameplay Universe

Gamers are primarily interested in what they'll be doing in the game. Start with:

Core Mechanics: Distill the gameplay into its basic elements. Whether it's a strategy, shooter, or simulator, define it crisply.

Distinctive Features: This is your game's identity. Highlight elements that make your game diverge from the norm. Maybe it's the gravity-defying mechanics, or perhaps the unique blend of genres.

3. The Heartbeat: The Narrative

Without spilling all the secrets, paint a picture of the world awaiting the player:

Setting and Atmosphere: Describe the game world's mood. Is it a dystopian future? A fairy-tale kingdom?

Characters and Interactions: Introduce main characters or factions without revealing too much. Create intrigue.

Example: "Join Alara, a time-bending sorceress, as she navigates the treacherous alliances of the Four Kingdoms."

4. Engaging the Senses: Visuals and Sound

A wall of text can be daunting. Break it up with:

GIFs and Screenshots: These should highlight the best moments or mechanics of the game. They offer a sneak peek into the gaming experience.

Sound and Music Mentions: If your game has an iconic soundtrack or unique sound effects, it's worth a mention. Music can evoke emotions that text alone cannot.

5. Direct Address: Speaking to the Player

Recognize who you're speaking to and address them:

Target Audience Identification: Recognize your core audience and speak directly to their interests and desires.

Interactive Queries: Pose questions to make readers reflect on their desires. "Do you have what it takes to restore balance in a world on the brink?"

6. Constant Evolution: Keep it Updated

Your game will evolve, and so should its description:

Patch Updates and Expansions: Briefly mention significant changes, ensuring players know the game is alive and growing.

Community Highlights: If the community has shaped the game in some way, acknowledge it. This fosters a sense of belonging.

7. An Invitation to a Larger World

Towards the end, extend a hand beyond the Steam page:

Community Links: Direct potential players to forums, Discord servers, or other community hubs.

Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Offer links to development blogs, making-of videos, or concept art galleries.

8. The Close: A Call to Immerse

End with a compelling closing statement, a final nudge for the reader to take the plunge.

Example: "In the tapestry of time, every player leaves a mark. What will yours be?"


Crafting the perfect "About This Game" section is about understanding the gamer's psyche, interspersing information with intrigue, and presenting the game as an experience, not just a product. In the vast sea of Steam offerings, let yours be the siren song that beckons players to uncharted waters